Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Oil Pastel Transfer

I printed off a picture of a feather than colored the back in a diagonal rainbow. I then drew out the feather and pretty much traced it so that it would end up like this.

Glass Fusing

I took random peices of different shades of blue, added some clear and black pieces. Then had it fused and then shaved down the sides so it wasn't so pointy 


I made a mask of Harry Potter than as my background painted it black and then taped a printed picture of the castle to it. But I shaded the castle by myself. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I'm not gonna lie my family is not exactly a musical family, so this is a guitar hero piano. We used to own a piano but eventually got rid of it cause I was never really good at playing it. But I'm good at guitar hero piano so who cares,honestly? 


I took this picture of my sister in Mexico being pushed by a dolphin.  

Posed portrait

I took this picture of jayden in class because he was twice the size of this sweatshirt 

Silhouette with scene inside

I tried to paint a sunset into a silhouette of a girl blowing a dandelion 

Game board

This is a game of mancala that hasn't been touched in my house for a long time. I remember I used to play this game all the time with my friends at daycare. There was cheating and fighting but we still played it everyday because it was something we all liked to do.